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Nowadays, anyone doing business knows the importance of SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. It is what allows your website to rank highly in search results. Which, naturally, means that your website would have priority over others when someone looks up the relevant keywords online. An important thing to note, however, is that keywords are not the only thing important for SEO. While most would consider them the ‘most’ important, there are other factors to keep in mind which would absolutely ruin your efforts if neglected. Don’t worry, though, because we will go over them in our guide on how to create an effective SEO strategy for your moving business!

Know what keywords to push

If you want to create an effective SEO strategy for your moving business, then you need to understand your customers first. You need to predict what keywords would be of special interest to them and target them in your SEO building. Of course, you can rely on SEO consultation services to figure some of this stuff out. But it will still be better for your long term development if you can figure such things out by yourself. Your marketing and customer service teams will be especially important here. It also helps that you identify the main draw of your moving business. If everyone is more interested in hiring you for local moves, for example, then that is what you should work into a part of your keywords at least.

Know what kind of keywords you should use

Now, there is one important thing to keep in mind concerning keywords: the way they are used keeps changings. The days of rigid and fixed keywords are nearly behind us. Google, and even WordPress, are starting to become more flexible in their recognition of keywords. ‘Word clusters’, which target meaning rather than the words involved, are gaining traction. Similarly, due to Google voice search, longer keywords are becoming more popular. Not to mention the fact that Google is starting to prioritize keywords which can be seen as answers to the questions posed to voice search. The higher degree of spontaneity and ‘natural’ sounding questions users make when using Google voice search are making ‘traditional’ keywords a bad fit for presenting suitable results. What this means is that when trying to create an effective SEO strategy or SEO Guide for your moving business, you need to stay on top of the latest keyword developments.

Do not just focus on your site

Another important thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t focus all your work on SEO on just your website. Of course, the website is the outreach centerpiece of any business nowadays. But it is hardly the only thing that is important for your SEO. Each and every social media platform, app page, and similar that you are featured on also affects your SEO as long as it is linked to your website. This means that, if your SEO on, say, Twitter or your Google My Business profile page is atrocious, it reflects badly on your efforts to create an effective SEO strategy for your moving business. Even the reviews you get do have a degree of SEO impact, even if you can’t control them. So, account for them all in your strategizing, and do not slack in your efforts to keep their SEO up.

Have a content rich website

Naturally, since we’ve already mentioned how important a website is, you can’t skip it. Now, admittedly, balancing SEO with quality content might be hard to juggle if you are pursuing pure efficiency in SEO. But you should honestly avoid doing that! If you just improve SEO without minding the quality of your content, then you would be working against yourself. You would be turning away people whom the SEO was meant to draw in, in the first place. So, you should, instead, make up for not being able to squeeze in a lot of SEO by having more content! A blog is absolutely perfect for this. Each post is a new opportunity to fit in interesting and useful keywords!

Optimize your website

As you already know, SEO is not all about keywords. A part of it is good website performance. What this means is that you should really work on your site’s loading and functioning speed. Another trait you should focus on is compatability. If your site can only be used in Google Chrome and keeps crashing in Firefox or Opera, then you are massively missing out on your outreach potential. It is even useful to understand the connection between web design and SEO, just to maximize the effectiveness of your efforts.

Look for backlink partners

Backlinks are absolutely essential for good SEO. If you’ve ever worked on your blog, then you will know it practically demands backlinks be included to ‘okay’ your SEO status. This is because linking different websites lets them benefit from each other’s SEO strategies and generate more leads and converts. The SEO experts from Movers Development recommend contacting businesses that would work well with your moving company. If you do not offer the services yourself, then partnering with cleaners, moving supply providers, or packing services can let you build an amazing network to funnel new customers to each other.

Incorporate SEO into your marketing

Finally, remember that when trying to create an effective SEO strategy, you should not let up on your marketing efforts either. In fact, while making use of marketing tactics to increase sales, they will only work better if you work top-tier SEO into them. Ads, marketing posts and similar should all have high quality SEO that properly reflects your moving business. Make sure to use it as a means of emphasizing your best services and their traits!

Final advice

Now that you are familiar with how to create an effective SEO strategy for your moving business, you should be ready to start! Just remember: the world of SEO is constantly changing. A good strategy today might not still be a good strategy tomorrow. So, keep working hard, and always stay on top of the changes!

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